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Landlord Certificates   arrow

Here is a brief overview of laws with a view to rental. These listed below are statutory (must be adhered to) legal requirements of which you should be aware. As a basic, these laws protect you and your tenant. It is imperative you adhere to these, as they are not too onerous, and allow you to rent out with confidence.





It is imperative that you have an annual inspection of gas supply and gas appliances if you have any. This must be carried out by a Registered Gas Engineer (see important note below). IMPORTANT: Failure to comply with these regulations may lead to prosecution and/or imprisonment with fines up to £25,000. The Health and Safety Executive enforce Gas Regulations. Contact HSE Gas Safety on 0800 300 363 A Registered Gas Installer (see below) must check all gas appliances in rented accommodation every year. This is compulsory under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994 (as amended). It is the responsibility of you as Landlord to arrange for these checks to be carried out. Both the Landlord and the tenant should each have a written report on the condition of each appliance. You must as Landlord, keep records of the safety checks and issue a copy of them to new and existing tenants. All engineers must be registered – see important note below. It is imperative you keep a record of when each appliance was checked and any defects found and repaired. This record should be made available to the tenants on moving into the property within 28 days of the annual inspection being carried out. Important Note: On 8 September 2008, the Health and Safety Executive awarded a 10 year contract to Capita Group to provide a new registration scheme for gas installers. This began on 1 April 2009 and replaces the CORGI system. These changes need to be noted by you as Landlords. Prior to 1st April 2009, Landlords were, by law, required to get a yearly Gas Safety Certificate from a CORGI registered gas engineer. From 1st April 2009, Landlords should ensure that all current and future gas engineers are registered with Capita in order to meet their legal obligations.